Available areas [dir. Estate Area : Mr Pietro Francescon]
Consorzio Zip sells and leases land plots, buildings and infrastrucutres for industrial, craft and commercial sites.
To this end it provides the following services:
- planning of infrastructures
- building of infrastructures
- evironmental technical management
In order to know the availability of land plots and their position, an enterprise should directly contact the offices of Zip (see their address at the bottom of the page) and ask to fix an appointment with the people in charge of the Estate Area.
On this occasion, the concerned enterprise will be provided with: the rules governing its relations with Consorzio and a copy of the Consorzio Rules and Regulations (.pdf 97kb), including the contract terms and the relevant obligations charged to the enterprises located in the area.
Once the right building or plot of land has been choosen, people in charge of the enterprise has to fill in the locating Application form (.doc 47kb) which, without obligations for the applying enterprise, substantiates that it is interested in purchasing.
However, the approval of the new industrial site depends on the decision of the Zip Board of Directors. Actually, within the Zip territory, areas and real estates are leased or sold according to market trends and, especially, guidelines which take into account the social role that Zip plays towards enterprises.
Consorzio Zip acts as price controller in the real estate market which is, therefore, necessarily public-oriented, namely it fosters the growth and development of the economic fabric.
In short, criteria follow a "system" logic rather than an economic logic and favour those industrial sites – like the General Warehouses and the Freight Village – which supply services and play a role functional not to the income, but to the integration of the enterprises located in the territory.
Besides protecting little craft enterprises, Consorzio favours industrial enterprises:
- employing skilled and cost-effective labour force
- consuming less energy and protecting the environment, all things being equal to other enterprises
- carrying out industrial processes which do not affect the activities of other enterprises