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Logo of Mip Engineering srl

Mip Engineering

Mip Engineering srl is a company which was set up in 2000 by Consorzio Zip of Padua in order to exploit the know-how acquired by Zip and create innovative services in the field of new technologies. The company is the synthesis and evolution of the infrastructural and real estate experience developed by Zip over its fifty years of activity.
Mip Engineering deals with the whole cycle, from the purchase to the sale, of areas equipped with infrastructures for industrial sites, in Italy and abroad. However, its main activity is planning and supplying services of engineering, technical assistance and advice for the construction and maintenance of industrial and commercial areas.
• President: Mr Vincenzo de' Stefani

Logo of Iniziative Industriali Immobiliari spa

I3 – Iniziative Industriali Immobiliari

The partners companies which have set up Iniziative Industriali Immobiliari spa (Real Estate Industrial Iniziatives) have a great experience acquired in many different fields. The municipalities of Villamarzana and Arquà Polesine (in the province of Rovigo) deal with the protection of the social and environmental balance; Mip Enginering srl, which is a subsidiary of Consorzio Zip, guarantees a fifty years's experience in this sector; Cassa di Risparmio di Padova e Rovigo (Savings Bank of Padua and Rovigo) supports enterprises financially. Finally, the Province, the Chamber of Commerce and the Freight Village of Rovigo deal with the institutional relations.
• President: Mr Pietro Marangoni

  • Consorzio has an holding, directly or through its subsidiary Mip Engineering, in STU (Società di Trasformazione Urbana, Companies for Urban Transformation), stock companies which have been set up by Consorzio and other local bodies for the planning and reutilization of specific territorial areas.
Logo of Zitac spa


Zitac spa is a compay established in October 2002 by the Municipality of Cittadella (in the province of Padua) in order to build and manage two industrial-craft sites. It is an urban transformation company (STU), which is one of the largest companies of this kind in Italy.
Besides the Municipality of Cittadella, its partners are Consorzio Zip, Confesercenti (Association of Small and Medium Enteprises and Services), Unione Provinciale Artigiani (Provincial Association of Artisans) and Magazzini Generali (the Padua General Warehouses). Zip has an holding acconting for 33,41% of the corporate capital
Zitac is managed according to cost-effective criteria. Since it is a public company, it fosters local enterprises to develop. Not only does Zitac build sites, it also sells them at competitive prices and invest its profits in favour of the community. It will keep the management of the sites in order to ensure their consistent growth, functionality, and increasing real estate value for investors
• President: Mr Alberto Cartia

Logo of Obiettivo Sviluppo spa

Obiettivo Sviluppo

Obiettivo Sviluppo spa (Target Development) aims at planning and carrying out the urban transformation of areas characterized by very complex and important interventions in the town territory of Piazzola sul Brenta (in the province of Padua). The Consorzio Zip holding accounts for 9,1% of the corporate capital.
• President: Mr Dino Cavinato

  • A further instrument – aimed to professionally deal with new applications for locating in Zip – has been developed with the cooperation of Nomisma: the establishment of a Company of Urban Transormation with the Municipality of Padua, whose aim is the urban planning improvement of the whole north area, which covers 1,450,000 square meters, and the enlargement of the south area, which will include 200,000 more square meters.
Factories of the Padua Freight Village with the hills on the background

Other holdings

The Consorzio holding in Interporto di Padova spa (Freight Village of Padua) and in Servizi Logistici srl (Logistic Services), has proved to be profitable both from an economic and a strategic point of view. Its success has also been confirmed by the fact that the running results of the above mentioned companies as well as the correlated value of their net assets are constantly positive.

In 2004 Consorzio Zip took stock in Interporto di Padova spa for a total of € 4,457,10 and, therefore, increased its holding up to 9,696% of the corporate capital. Similarly, Consorzio has consolidated its holding in Servizi Logistici srl by reaching a share equal to 4% of the corporate capital in order to ensure its participation in a sector extremely important to enterprises, which need the integration of logistics with production.

Since we believe that the Consorzio holding in bodies and companies operating in the Polesine territory is strategical, we recall that Zip has shares equal to 0,499%, for a total of € 35,327.00, of the company Interporto di Rovigo spa (Rovigo Freight Village).

Internationally, Consorzio has kept an holding, equal to 0,028% of the corporate capital, in Interporto Romania sa (Rumania Freight Village), a company that, after increasing its corporate capital up to € 7,008,552.00, has successfully begun to carry out its institutional tasks, such as the construction of an industrial estate and a freight village particularly important to the expansion of trade traffic, bringing profit to enterprises located in the Paduan industrial area.

The fiscal year 2003 was particularly positive – profits for a total of € 603,946 – for the company Infracom Italia spa, of which Consorzio is still a shareholder. In cooperation with Consorzio Zip, Infracom Italia spa fosters the development and management of complex projects based on new technologies, which can meet the needs of enterprises in the matter of telecommunications and mobility.

The municipality of Bovino (in the province of Foggia) and Consorzio Zip have stocks in the company Tecno Agenzia srl, whose corporate capital increased sharply from a total of € 16,500 to a total of € 38,200 in 2004. Currently, Consorzio Zip has a share equal to 10,5%. The company is deep-rooted in the Subappenino Dauno territory and aims to plan, build and manage areas equipped with infrastructures for industrial sites.

  • Consorzio Zip, through its holdings in companies set up over the last years, like Eine, has maintained and increased its commitment to develop relations aimed at carrying out integrated and shared activities, within a system logic, with similar bodies operating in the north-east territory of Italy.
Logo of Eine

Eine – Enti di Industrializzazione del Nord Est

Eine (Bodies for the North East Industrialization), set up in 1999 by Consorzio Zip and other 3 consortia of Veneto and Friuli, has developed so much so that it has included 12 bodies in the Veneto-Friuli area. The current associated bodies represent equipped areas covering 63 million square meters, where there are over 5 thousand manufacturing, logistics and hih-tech enterprises, many of which export in the European Union and worldwide. Eine aims at creating synergies and common activities in the field of consultancy, research, industrial planning, studies and marketing of areas at a national and international level, as well as starting partnerships in Italy and abroad in order to help systems of Italian enterprises in other development areas. To this end, a project on the Ukrainian territory has been started.
• President: Mr Roberto Duz

Logo of association 'Amici della Zona Industriale'

Associazione Amici della Zona Industriale

The association Amici della Zona Industriale (Association of Friends of the Industrial Area) was set up on 14th December 2002 by Consorzio Zip. It is a non-profit association, which, from its very establishment, was joined by over 50 members including enterprises located in the industrial area and bodies of the Paduan economic system. Its aim is: fostering and promoting the understanding of the Industrial Area and its system of enterprises in Padua, Italy and abroad; underlining the high quality of the enterprises and bodies which help them to develop; boosting the cooperation between the different actors operating in this area and helping to create a "friendship" network towards the Paduan system and the Veneto central area.
In 2004 the first edition of the Prize "Amici della Zip" (Zip Friends) took place. The prize-winning enterprises were selected (among those proposed by the respective trade associations) by a commission which was formed on purpose. The sections of prizes and mentions included: production growth, young entrepreneurs and innovation.
• President: Mr Paolo Stimamiglio

Investee companies and subsidiaries
One of the entrepreneur selected for the Prize 'Amici della Zip' is presented with a parchment

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