
DEVELOPMENT PLAN – Short presentation
A survey of the requirement of sites where to build new industrial plants in the industrial area of Padua (December 2004), the fact that every year a number of applications for land plots is confirmed (a procedure provided for in the Zip Quality System Iso 9001 Vision 2000), and other studies of the territory underline the need to improve the environment still further, plan new industrial sites for a total area of about 650,000 square meters, and develop structural and infrastrutural services.
Therefore, the challenge of Consorzio Zip is meeting a demand of territory sustainable development, from an environmental, economic and social point of view, which answers the needs of enterprises and workers. All these reasons guide its strategical actions for the near future. [>>> download abstract Development Plan (.pdf 555 kb)]

SIAM - Sustainable Industrial Area Model
The project – promoted by Enea (Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Environment) and supported by EU, through Life Ambiente (Life Environment) – aims to develop and test a model of sustainable production area, by involving eight industrial areas located in six Italian regions.
After carrying out a survey of industrial areas in italy and in the European Union, Consorzio Zip – in charge of two stages of Siam – will be also involved in the test of a model concerning the industrial area of Padua and its town planning development.
In short, the beneficiaries of Siam are: local bodies which are developing their territory layout Plans; bodies for production sites (Cip) and sustainable town planning; enterprises located in production areas which enjoy reductions for the way they deal with environmental and energy problems; and citizens who are interested in specializing in sustainable planning and management of industrial areas. [>>> download the project Siam presentation (.pdf 554 kb)]

VIRIDIS - Alternative futures for the Roncajette Park and the industrial zone
It is a highly innovative project that entails the urban–environmental rehabilitation of an area of 2.500.000 sq m comprised between the city and the industrial zone, along the Roncajette river. The study was entrusted to the Harvard Graduate School of Design by Consortium Zip on behalf of Padua administration.
It combines an environmental, commercial and residential development with academic scientific–technological research and recreational activities for users. The main objective is providing the city with a space where work, study, recreational activities and residential development can integrate. The adopted solutions aim at ensuring an economic development while meeting the highest environmental and social sustainability standards.
Viridis outlines a new scenario for Zip and the city by renovating the large area of the Roncajette river which will become an iconic and important landscape for the city.
[>>> download the project Viridis presentation (.pdf 1054 kb)] [>>> Harvard study in Italian language] [>>> rendering 3D in the video to the right]

FENICE - Forestation and training for planning a sustainable development
The initiative aims at improving the area of the Roncajette paleo-river bed, located within the territory of the Industrial Area of Padua. The aims of Fenice (Phoenix) project – in compliance with the Tokyo protocol – have been choosen after carrying out a first environmental analysis and an assessment of the environmental and social impact in cooperation with the Scouts of Cngei (National Corps of Italian Boy Scouts and Girl Guides) of Padua. The other partners of the project are the Veneto Region, the Fondazione Cariparo (Saving Bank of Padua and Rovigo Foundation) and the District Council n. 3 Camin-Forcellini. [>>> download Fenice project presentation in Italian language (.pdf 812 kb)]

H2ECOPLAN - project for an industrial area with low emission of greenhouse gasses
H2Ecoplan aims to develop a model allowing to improve or complete existing industrial sites and build new production areas, according to innovative, high technological and environmental standards.
It fosters innovative technological solutions, such as the use of nanotechnologies, the integration of different sources of energy and the use of hydrogen as a fuel.
The project is presented by Consorzio Zip, within the framework of the public notices issued by Life, the financial tool for the environment of the European Union. [>>> download H2Ecoplan project in Italian language (.pdf 535 kb)]

BIOENERGY - Planning, starting up and monitoring an innovative pyrolysis plant which produces electric energy by using agroforestry biomasses
The project – developed by Zip and promoted by the Municipality of Polverara – comes within the framework of the actions carried out by Consorzio Zip in order to foster the sustainable development of the area. It aims to produce electric and thermal energy, with low emission of carbon dioxide, by recycling wooden waste and biomasses deriving from local agriculture production. At Polverara there is also the seat of the association District of the Renewable and Natural Energies, located between six town territories, bordering on one another (Polverara, Legnaro, S. Angelo di Piove di Sacco, Brugine, Bovolenta, Corezzola and Arzergrande, but other municipalities are joining this initiative), whose municipalities have undertaken to repeat this model in their own territory and in all sustainable production islands. The pilot plant, which they are going to test, will supply also thermal energy by building a network of district heating at the service of municipal public buildings and some areas which have been recently parcelled out.
[>>> BIOenergy project presentation in Italian language (.pdf 37 kb)]

The building, which is about 60 m high, will be built in the industrial area of Padua, about one hundred meters away from the A13 tollgate, Padua-Bologna. Its project is characterized by the use of state-of-the-art technologies focusing on energy and plant engineering issues.
It will lease spaces to institutional bodies which wish to supply enterprises and workers with services in the very place where they work. It will be the seat of Consorzio Zip, but there will be also counters and offices of: institutional bodies (Chamber of Commerce, local bodies, trade associations, etc.); bodies dealing with scientific, technological, information and computer research, and promoting innovation and employment; social organizations; welfare and health (industrial medicine) services; insurance and bank offices; etc. On the ground floor there will be an auditorium, coffee bars, restaurants and little retailer'shops. [>>> download the Service Centre presentation (.pdf 387 kb)]

HARVARD - Project for a sustainable landscape
Consorzio Zip – in cooperation with the Municipality of Padua – has commissioned to the department of Landscape Design of the Harvard University (Harvard Design School) the study of green areas and corridors which from the Roncajette Park (town territory of Padua) extend to the Agripolis university Centre (town territory of Legnaro). This study develops the links with the Paduan urban fabric to the north and with the current industrial area of Consorzio Zip to the east. To the south, it goes into the proposal to build a Technological and Scientific Park in the town territories of Legnaro, Ponte San Nicoḷ and Polverara, giving birth to an area of sustainable development from an environmental, social and economic point of view.
[>>> download the Harvard project presentation (.pdf 385 kb)] [>>> presentation of the three scenarios in Italian language]

TOLLGATE PD ZIP - Modernization of the road system
In September 2002, Consorzio Zip had submitted to the Province and the Municipality of Padua a project which provided for the construction of a viaduct over Corso Stati Uniti aimimg to make it easier for the traffic outgoing from the motorway tollgate to reach the industrial area, without causing problems to the traffic running along the Padua-Saonara route. On completion of the intervention, the motorway tollgate should have been modernized and widened, by increasing the number of the gates from six to eight and dedicating two gates to exceptional transport only. The idea of building a new larger tollgate in the same place where it is now and a viaduct going through the roundabout in the east-west direction has been put forward again within the Industrial Area Development Plan which includes the Consorzio guidelines for the Territorial Layout Plan of the Municipality of Padua (Pat) and for the Intermunicipal Territorial Layout Plan (Pati) [>>> download tollgate Padua Industrial Area project in Italian language (.pdf 316 kb)]