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Consorzio Zip

The Zip board of directors during a meetingIn Veneto a public company has promoted development, new jobs and economic growth for 50 years


Consorzio Zip is runned by:

Each one of the three associated bodies (Municipality, Province and Chamber of Commerce) appoints 5 members of the Assembly who hold office for five years and can be appointed again.

The Assembly duties include the approval of the Budgets, the economic and financial Plan for the next financial year, the appointment of the Directors and the President and their remunerations.

The Board of Directors consists of the president and 8 members appointed by the Assembly so that each associated body might be equally represented.

The Directors hold office for five years and can be appointed again.

In order to achieve the objects of Consorzio Zip, the Board of Directors is invested with full powers concerning ordinary and extraordinary administration activities, apart from those which are specifically incumbent on the Assembly by law or Statute.

The Board of Directors appoints the Vicepresident and the General Manager.

The current Board of Directors was appointed by the Assembly of the representatives of the Associated bodies on 3rd May 2004. The current President was appointed by the same Assembly on 20th April 2006 as a substitute for Mr Gianfranco Chiesa, the resigning President.

  • Board of Directors
    • Mr Angelo Boschetti, President [presidenza@zip.padova.it]
    • Mr Marco Toniolli, Vicepresident
    • Mr Vincenzo de' Stefani
    • Mr Sergio Giordani
    • Mr Franco Madalosso
    • Group photo of the Zip board of directorsMr Maurizio Mazzari
    • Mr Roberto Ongaro
    • Mr Giorgio Simonetto
    • Mr Angelo Tognon
  • Board of Auditors
    • Mr Ciro Forcella, President
    • Mr Pierantonio Filippi
    • Mr Guido Penso


Zip has a staff of eighteen (4 executives and 14 employees). They are motivated and up-to-date people whose age is 36 on average.

Quality Certification Uni En Iso 9001:2008

The quality certification logoIn September 2001 Consorzio Zip achieved an important objective, since it got the Certification according to the standard Uni En Iso 9001:2000 in the operating field of planning, design, construction and maintenance of infrastructures for industrial sites.

In July 2004 even the certifying body Dnv (Det Norske Veritas), after a new assessment of the quality corporate system, provided Consorzio Zip with the certification according to the standard Uni En Iso 9001:2000 in the same operating field.

In July 2010 the same certifying body acknowledged that the quality management system of Consorzio Zip "conforms to the quality management systems standard Uni En Iso 9001:2008". This certificate is valid for the following services: "planning, design, coordination of construction activities and maintenance of infrastructures for production units".

In the report of extension assessment some main reasons concern the personnel: strong motivation and involvement, effective control of corporate objects, effective procedures and good computerization in the management activities.

[>>> Certificate DNV n. CERT-09193-2001-AQ-VEN-SINCERT (.pdf 91 kb)]

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